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MEGA Report - Assortment

This worksheet tab shows the SKUs that make up your store's Productivity Level 2 - Assortment Opportunity metric. Processing this report is straightforward but requires knowledge of your store's current assortment, market, and available shelf space. The worksheet is sorted by Estimated Location (column H) so you can see how many SKUs in a location are available. SKUs are selected because they are highly popular in peer stores (column M) or are carried by a lower percentage of peer stores but sell well for the stores who carry them (sell in a high percentage of stores carrying and sales, units or gross profit are better than the SKU's product group average).

Filtering Tips:

     Popular - nearly everyone else carries it

     Discovery - looking to boost compliance?

     Specific Location - fill a specific empty spot

     By popularity code - estimated frequency of sales

     Newly Reported - just the new stuff



Column Definitions