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Full Store Count


This procedure is for those who have completed their Level 1 Checklist and are candidates for a full store count.  We strongly discourage a store from engaging in a full store count until their Level 1 Checklist is fully complete and you are sure most of your RC variances are caused by bad initial QOH.

Candidates for Full Store Count
1) Have a completed Level 1 Checklist
2) Checklist Month 4 IRA Plot is less than 80%
3) Checklist Month 4 IRA Avg is less than 80%
4) Are not experiencing a sustained upward trend in IRA
5) RC variances are indicating bad initial quantity-on-hands
6) Have all your questions answered by Mango Support (734) 301-4510 or

Do Not Count When
If your last month's Plot IRA is greater or equal to 80% then congratulations, you do not need to engage in a full store count! All the hard work you've put into improving your store's Level 1 - IRA is paying off! Continue to work on your accuracy processes through Mango's Best Practices and careful variance research your store should continue on its accuracy path and be past Level 1 within the next 3 months. You do not need to engage in a full store count!

Do Count When
If your last month's Plot IRA is less than 80% and you think your store is a good candidate for a full store count based on the guidelines above then this is the place for you. Performing a full store count is a lot of work but if you have really concentrated on your Level 1 - IRA Checklist then a full count will boost your IRA significantly and your store should be able to maintain an IRA above 80% for a long time. We have seen stores go 5-10 years before another full store count was needed and there are many stores who may never need to engage in a full count until a significant reset or remodel.

Gearing Up!
Your goal is to perform a "Blitz Count" which is done as quickly (and carefully) as possible where SKUs on your sales floor (as opposed to every SKU in your inventory file) is counted. By now and because you've been following your Level 1 Checklist, you know who your good counters are, have back stock in good order and labeled and have your departments flossed. More importantly, you have an inventory coordinator who can supervise variances and catch big errors while the count is underway. You should devote as many people as possible to this task and get it done as quickly as possible (within 15 days) and consider performing some of the counting at night while the store is closed.


Step 1: Inspect Aisle

Step 2: Setup the RF Gun

Step 3: Count

Step 4: PIP Review

Step 5: Finalize PIP

Step 6: Locate Store

Step 7: Missed Counts Viewer

Print the Level 1 Checklist here!
Previous Step - Monitor IRA