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Mango - Executive Summary


This section of your Executive Summary report shows directly measurable effects of processing Mango's Count Sheets and Assortment Report PDFs in your store. 

Mango Recovered Sales
Shows the annual sales dollars sold (recovered) from your Count Sheets (primarily the MC Count Type). The MC Count Type lists SKUs showing quantity-on-hand but not selling like peer stores. When these SKUs are counted, zeroed out and reordered then subsequent sales (for a year) are tracked as "recoveries". Typical stores see around $15,000 in annual recoveries.

Mango Added Sales
Shows annual sales for SKUs added from your Mango Assortment Basket.  When SKUs listed on your Assortment tab are added, sales are tracked for one year.

Mango Shrink
Net Shrinkage dollars on SKUs listed in your store's Count Sheets. Mango's Count Sheets are very effective at discovering phantom inventory and high-shrink SKUs in your store. A typical store discovers 60% of their overall store shrinkage just by processing its Count Sheets.