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Store Closeout Check - Assortment Adds with Store Closeout = Yes


Items listed in this exception were recently purchased of the Mango Assortment Report and have their Store Closeout flag set to Y and will not be replenished.  

Steps to process this report  

  1. You may want to look at these items on the sales floor gather information such as physical QOH, shelf location, etc. 
  2. Decide if you want to continue to replenish this item. 

If Yes then

a. Set the SKU's Store Closeout flag to N (Codes tab of Inventory Maintenance)

b. Ensure the SKU's current location code and QOH are accurate 

If No then choose the best option: 

  • If the SKU has QOH then set its Location 2 to your store's Drop Location
  • If the SKU is replenished manually or through a different vendor then set the Store Closeout flag to N and the Order Indicator (Stocking Tab) to D.