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Common Jargon

The acronyms and terms below may appear in Mango's reports, training documentation and other documentation regarding your point-of-sale system.
  • 3TM – Three Trailing Months; In Mango it means an average of the last three months.
  • ARMA - Refers to Ace's Ace Retailer Mobile Assistant application available on smartphones and Zebra devices.
  • AWOR – Short for Ace Way Of Retailing, which is Ace’s documented common method of doing something or "Best Practice". These procedures are well documented in Ace’s Retailer Library located on Acenet.
  • Back Stock - Daily Back Stock Replenishment using shelf capacity and Ace's ARMA application
    • ​Location 3 -​ to hold the number of units that fit on your sales floor (shelf or peg hook, including secondary locations).
    • Location 4 - the spot where a SKU is held in the back room or top stock. Common locations included TOP (top stock), BACK (backroom), BSMT (basement), OUT (outside), and many more. This can be expanded to TOP05 for top stock in aisle 5. 
  • Best Practice / Common Practice – a thoroughly thought out and documented way of doing something.  Something that is beneficial to be done commonly.
  • Boundary – SKUs contributing to Inventory Value in your system where Mango has marked them as "Boundary Issues" as the SKUs are probably not real inventory and therefore these marked SKUs are not included in your Count Sheets and are excluded from your Inventory Value charts and metrics.  The SKUs are called out in the first pages of your Exception Reports "Boundary Exceptions".  Including Cost/Quantity-on-Hand Errors, Store Supply and Negative Value.
  • COM  Mango's Closeout Management system that helps stores identify and get rid of obsolete inventory.
    • Pricing – Retail endings of 4 = 25% off, 3 = 50%, 2 = 75% 1 = 90%, 0 = 90% and need to be removed from inventory
    • Location 2
      • MDR - indicator in Location 2 to include a SKU in Closeout Management (Store Closeout = Y is also needed
      • MDRPC - the byproduct of using Ace's Planogram Change Management tool to closeout a SKU and add to Mango COM
      • MDONE - location 2 given to a SKU automatically by Mango Report after it's completed its lifecycle on COM and QOH = 0. Prevents the SKU from being readded to COM in the future if special ordered or brought back into inventory.
  • CPO - Customer Priority Order.  This is an online order initiated with and has special delivery.
  • E4W – Epicor’s® Eagle for Windows Point-of-Sale platform.  This is your store’s computer inventory system. It is also called Eagle
  • EOQ - Economic Order Quantity - this is Mango's system of managing Min/Max order points on your computer. Also integrated into Ace's Retail Analytics Dashboard (RAD).
  • Ghost Inventory (or Phantom Inventory) - Items in your store's electronic inventory showing a Quantity On Hand value, but have not existed in your store for a long time.
  • IMU – E4W’s Inventory Maintenance program/screen.
  • Inventory (physical) - The count, cost and assortment of goods available for resale in your store.
  • Inventory (system, file or perpetual) - Items in your electronic system exhibiting a quantity-on-hand and cost value.  These items contribute to your store's system reported inventory value.
  • Inventory Value - the total dollar value of your store's inventory.  Physical inventory value means the dollar total of items physically in the store.  File, system or perpetual inventory value is the sum of all items in your electronic inventory file--each item's quantity-on-hand multiplied by its cost.
  • IRA – Inventory Record Accuracy.  This is the term used by the inventory accuracy community to measure the quantity-on-hand accuracy of a store’s electronic inventory system. 
  • LPI – An item's Last Physical Inventory date.  As seen in Eagle's Inventory Maintenance stocking tab. This is the last date of record for which an item was physically counted.
  • Mango – Short for Mango Report® 
  • MOP (or Min OP)  Minimum Order Point, as seen in Eagle's Inventory Maintenance, Stocking Tab. An item's order point will not fall below the value entered here. 
  • MTD – Month to Date
  • OM – Order Multiple.  The minimum quantity an item is delivered from a vendor.
  • OP – Order Point.  A calculated or manually maintained value of a SKU’s minimum inventory level at or before it is reordered.

  • Outs (clicking)  - the process of using a mechanical baseball "pitch counter" and "click" the counter each time an out is found. This process is typically performed by a manager on a periodic basis. The goal is to have less than 25 outs per 1,000 sq. ft. of selling space.

  • Outs (shooting) - the process of walking the sales floor and counting (entering into PIP) SKUs with zero QOH on the shelf/bin/hook. Stores typically "shoot outs" on a weekly basis. 
  • PIP – Physical Inventory Posting. Your preferred method of revising quantity-on-hand in your system.  Can be used as a verb: “Sue, why was that SKU was PIP’ed to zero yesterday?”
  • POS – Point of Sale computer system.  This is your E4W system (above)
  • PRS – Ace’s Professional Retail Services.
  • QOH – Quantity on Hand, typically referring to what your electronic system thinks physically exists in your store.
  • RAD – Refers to Acenet's Retail Analytics Dashboard. 
  • RSO/CGO/MPO – This is your Computer Generated Order in your E4W system.  The RSO (Report Suggested Order) report creates (and sometimes prints) the order which can be viewed on MPO screen (Maintain Purchase Orders).
  • SKU – Stock Keeping Unit.  The way we uniquely identify products in our vendor catalog.  A SKU can have multiple UPC codes. 
  • TTM – Trailing Twelve Months, average over the past 12 months as seen in Mango’s Charts.PDF.
  • Variance or QOH Variance – If a computer quantity-on-hand does not match the quantity on hand in the store.  When the correction is made it is called a “variance”, “correction”, “revision”, “change” or “fix”.
  • YTD – Year to Date.