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Missing Shelf Capacity - Floor Exceptions


This report is for stores using Mango's Back Stock Replenishment system. SKUs identified on this report have a high likelihood of being in back stock but are missing a shelf capacity value (Loc3) and are being missed by the daily pick analysis. 


Steps to process this report 

  1. Grab a Zebra device and Login
    1. Tap Inventory
    2. Tap Location Maint.
  2. Locate product on the report on the sales floor
  3. Scan the item with your Zebra device
  4. If the shelf is full, count how many are there and enter the value into Location 3 on the Zebra device
    1. If the shelf is not full, estimate how many would make a full shelf and enter the value into Location 3 on the Zebra device
  5. Press Save
  6. Find the next item on the list and repeat Steps 5 - 7 until the list is complete

If you don't have a Zebra device, shelf capacities can be manually written on paper then entered into Location 3 in Inventory Maintenance.