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Spooler Maintenance (MSP)

It is a good month-end practice to make sure there are enough spooler pages available to accommodate all month-end reports. Ideally your store will have at least 30,000 pages available plus 5,000 for each store (if multi-store).

How to check spooler page availability
1) Type MSP in your Eagle Browser Launch box.
2) Note the number next to "Spooler Pages Available" (see bottom of image below).

If spooler pages are under 30,000 (+5,000 per additional store for multi stores) then you have two options:

Option 1: delete old spooled reports by sorting on the "Pages" heading to view large reports. Reports can be deleted by clicking the check box to the far left and then pressing Delete (F10). You may have to ask your manager/owner if it's alright to delete a particular report.


Option 2: give Epicor's advice line a call and request more spooler pages. Modern systems can be set to have several hundred thousand pages available.

    Why are Spooler Pages Important?