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MEGA Report - SKUs Tab - Catalog Differences 

This tab can be processed quickest using Acenet but Data Import and Network Access instructions are also available.


Request Hotsheets from Acenet: (Preferred Method)

  1. Acenet can only handle 1,500 SKUs at a time, if you have more you'll repeat these steps for each block of 1,500 SKUs
  2. Select the following columns by clicking on the header letter:  SKU (Column B)
  3. Copy the data (Ctrl + C)
  4. Open a web browser and log into Acenet
  5. Under the Manage Product heading, click Request Hotsheets (2nd column to the right)
  6. Click Import in the upper right
  7. A new window will appear
  8. Right-click in the grid and select Paste
  9. Delete the first record that says "SKU"
  10. Click Import at the bottom of the window
  11. Click Close
  12. If multi-store, select all your stores
  13. Click Submit in the bottom right
  14. You should get a window stating they've been successfully submitted.
  15. You can close out of Excel and Acenet. These SKUs will be updated in the next 48 hours with your system's Hotsheet process.


     Data Import Steps:

     Network Access Steps: