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MEGA Report - Can Rep

Your Can Rep worksheet is a comprehensive listing of all Canceled SKUs in your store still showing an active location (location starts with a number) or is showing on hand. Location, store closeout, order indicator replacement SKU information is listed along with "what to do next" notes. 

Steps to process this report


1. Determine if you want to replace the canceled SKU:


If you do -

a. Add the REP SKU to file if the Notes column showing NIF (you can use catalog (F2) from Inventory Maintenance to accomplish this).

b. If the SKU is already in your file then make sure the Store Closeout flag is set to "N" in the codes tab of Inventory Maintenance and the Order Indicator flag is blank (Stocking Tab).

c. Set the replacement SKU's location code to the appropriate location in your store.

        d. Make a bin tag and ensure the item can be put away when it comes in on the next delivery.

        e. Remove the canceled SKU's bin tag and hook from the sales floor.

        f.  Set the canceled SKU's location to your store's drop location code (e.g. DR19, CLOSE, ZZZZZ, etc.)


If you do not want to replace the SKU -

     a. Remove the canceled SKU's bin tag and hook from the sales floor.

     b. Set the canceled SKU's location to your store's drop location code (e.g. DR19, CLOSE, ZZZZZ, etc.)

Column Definitions

Recommended Action based on Notes:

Set Loc to DR & remove old tag: change to an inactive location and remove the old bin tag

Set Loc2 to DR: change location 2 to an inactive location

Set SC to Y: change store closeout flag to YES.

Rep SKU NIF: the replace SKU is not in your inventory file. Consider adding it if you want to continue stocking the item

Rep SKU is SC: the replace SKU is in your inventory file but the store closeout flag is set to YES. If you want to stock the replacement item, turn the closeout flag to NO.

Pending ICM: replacement SKU is queued per ICM. Good to go!

Pending ICM is SC: The incoming replacement SKU has its store closeout flag set to YES. Turn the flag to NO if you want to stock the replacement.

Moving to Acenet Direct: replacement SKU is moving to Acenet Direct

Consider Loc2 MDR for COM: with many months left of sales this could be a good candidate for Closeout Management (COM)