Mango Report
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Mango Report API (MANGOAPI) - Mango/Eagle/Acenet Integration


Many of Mango's processes are integrated into your Eagle system and Acenet. It's quick and simple to set up your Eagle system! An API (application programming interface) allows different systems to communicate information with each other and will save your store a lot of keyboard labor!


1-time Setup 


     Video Instructions
  1. Open Network Access or Secure Access
  2. In the function line, type OSPREY and press Enter
  3. Enter the password (if you don't know the password then contact your system administrator) and press Enter
  4. In the Selection line, type ACEQMNGO and press Enter
  5. Run ACEQMNGO Utility? Press Y on the keyboard
  6. For a time to run the job, select the time between noon (12:00) and 4:55 p.m (16:55) with the time ending in a 0 or 5 (e.g. 13:15, 14:40, 15:10). Times like 12:23 or 14:09 will NOT work. We suggest using a random time (not on the hour) this helps spread out Eagle server requests to Mango.

    Here's a table to help determine a good time to select.

  7. In the Action line, press E on the keyboard and then press Enter
  8. A message will display, "Running ACEQMNGO to create SEQ ...." Press Enter
  9. You can now close out of Network Access/Secure Access.
  10. Once this job is run, a new row ‘MANGOAPI’ is added to SEQ of Store 1. This is a multi-store function so if you have multiple stores you'll only need to do this once. This job will contact Mango at the specified time to perform the duties of the API




     Count Sheet Integration - Eagle Level 28.0 and above


     Closeout Management Integration (Productivity Level 0) - Eagle Level 29.0 and above