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In Stock - Ace Min OP - Excel Worksheet

This spreadsheet tab contains a full SKU listing of Exception Report: 
In Stock - Ace Min OP Listing  

Each year Ace creates a list of SKUs deserving a minimum order point to ensure your store has enough inventory to complete projects and stay in stock with your most popular SKUs. For example, a caster SKU will have a minimum order point of 4 because it commonly is purchased in this quantity. The list is entirely data driven based on deep analysis of customer purchasing behavior across thousands of stores. Note: the list is the same for all stores.

Where do I find this report?

Steps to process this report:
  1. Open Inventory Maintenance (IMU)
  2. Enter in the SKU
  3. Press Display (F6) 
  4. Enter the SKU's recommended Minimum Order Point (column I) into the Min Order Point field.
  6. Note: you may need to increase the Order Point as well.
  7. Press Change (F5)
    • An error can occur if the ROP Protect flag = Y. In the codes tab, set ROP Protect = N, press Change and follow steps 4-7 again. ROP Protect can now be set back to Y if desired.

    Column Definitions