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MEGA Report - Ace Hardware .com
Experimental Report - May 2020
This workbook tab shows sales, transactions, and commission impact for month-do-date and year-to-date Acehardware.com pickup and ship-to transactions. Because these online sales transactions are outside of your regular daily sales metrics, this report attempts to quantify pickup sales as if they were rung through your cash register. This way, you can quickly see the impact of online sales and transactions for your business.
Note: this report is not meant for financial purposes, instead, use your Eagle VIEWAHCM viewer and Ace's best practices for reconciling your Ace statement.
Online Report Access Help
Steps for retrieving online reports
1. Locate one of Mango's monthly Action, Review or Excel emails.
2. You will find the login link, username, and password in the body of the email.
3. Click the link and enter your credentials to log in.
4. On the left-hand navigation window, you'll see a Data Import + Multi-Store folder as well as a listing of all the stores in your organization.
5. Click on the desired folder and the contents will display on the right-hand side.
6. You may want to change the view to be Detail as it's easier to navigate.
7. If you click on a specific store you'll need to select the Excel or PDF folder depending on what report you're after.
8. The Excel folder houses store-specific workbooks like the Mango_IVA, Location, and Class Productivity, Delete Report, Vendor Analysis, etc.
9. You can either go back on your web browser or on the left-hand side, click the PDF folder.
10. The PDF folder contains that same reports that are emailed each month in the Action, Review, and Excel email.
11. Click on the file you'd like to download, a new page will load and you can click on the "Page icon" or the download button in the upper right.
12. If you'd like to download an entire folder of reports, say Data Import + Multi-Store, click on the root folder and then the download button.
13. And if you want to download EVERYTHING, then click on the highest root folder and then the download button.
MTD = Month-to-date (activity last month)
YTD = Year-to-date (rolled up activity since January 1st)
ISPU = In-Store Pickup
A: Store - Eagle Store ID
B/K: Transactions - the number of in-store pickup (ISPU) transactions for the period.
C/L: Units - The net sales units for ISPU for the period.
D/M: Eagle Equivalent Sales - New ISPU sales dollars for the period on an "equivalent" sales basis. Meaning, this is what the customer paid for the product, as if it was rung through your cash register. This will differ from the amount due from Ace due to processing fees.
E/N: Cost of Sales - The net cost of inventory (at average cost) sold via ISPU.
F/O: Margin - An "equivalent" sales margin based on columns D & E.
G/P: % of Total Sales - The percentage of ISPU sales relative to total sales volume for the period. Example: 4.2% means 4.2% of total sales for the period was made up of ISPU sales dollars.
H/Q: Ship to Transactions - the number of Ship to Store or Ship to Customer transactions for the period.
I/R: Ship To Units - the net number of sales units for Ship to Store or Ship to Customer for the period.
J/S: Ship to Commission - net commissions made on Ship to Store or Ship to Customer transactions.