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Mango Show Buying Report - Excel Workbook

Spring 2024 Report Schedule

  • 02/27 - Show files built on store data as of day-end 2/26 
  • 02/28 - Easy Button and Review available on Acenet Show Buying Guide. (Digital Convention starts)
  • 02/28 - Mango Excel Show Buying Reports emailed
  • 04/09 - Order deadline

Mango's Show Buying Report scores across the two major convention event types: Power Buys and Show Specials. All Power Buys are scored in your workbook; only Show Specials scoring 1 and above are included.


Score Category column defined: 


  • Easy Button - Your 50 top-scoring easy-to-order deals:
    • Your store carries at least 95% of the SKUs.
    • Store Closeout = N for at least 95% of the SKUs.
    • There is only one ship date.
    • SKUs do not have a special order nor spike sales signature. 
    • Deal cost, savings per cubic foot, and total cubic feet conditions are met.​
  • Review - Great deals for your store, but need your review: 
    • Multiple ship dates. Mango tries to pick the best date for your store, but you might want to spread the deal out or pick a different date.
    • High cost, exceeding $3,000.
    • Under $2.13 savings per cubic foot. These are great deals, but your store might not have room.
    • Deals where you do not carry every SKU, or some SKUs in the deal are Store Closeout = Y.
  • Fill Shelf - Small deal quantities that should fit on your hook without causing back stock:
    • SKUs with Shelf Capacity (Loc3) - fills your shelf up to a 40-week supply without going overcapacity.
    • SKUs without Capacity (Loc3) - Small cube deals should not create back stock.​
  • Opportunity - these SKUs sell well in peer stores, but you do not (or have stopped) carrying the SKUs.
  • Low Score - these deals will likely create too much overstock based on your store's sales history and offer OM. 

  • Unscored  - these deals are not carried by your store, and not enough stores in your peer group carry the deal to determine a score. 

You can download Mango’s Show Buying Report in 2 ways 

  1. Locate your Show Buying Report email (emailed 2/28/24)
  2. In the body of the email, locate the section titled Direct Download.
  3. Click the "Show Buying Report" link.
  4. The file will automatically download using your web browser.

OR​ (after 3/3/24) 

  1. Log into your Online Reports.
  2. Click on the Data Import + Multi-Store Folder.
  3. Locate the file named " - Show Buying Report - " e.g. "7205 - Show Buying Report - 0224.xlsm". 
  4. Download and then open the file.​

​​This is a macro-enabled workbook, click the "Enable Security" button so the formatting macro can run.