Home > MEGA Report > Disc Flag Mismatch
MEGA Report - Discontinued Flag Mismatch
This report identifies SKUs that are flagged as discontinued in your Eagle system although they are still active in your Ace warehouse and vice versa.
This process outlines a fast and effective way to fix Discontinued flag issues. The risk involved is when updating a SKU's DISC flag back to No since it is active in your RSC. This can cause product to order again on an RSO when you potentially did not want it. Because of this please manually review the store closeout flag for SKUs where the RSC Disc (Column I) is set to No.
File Prep (A)
Network Access Import (B)
MULTI-STORE WARNING: If you are multi-store you can only do one store at a time. Select a single store in Excel as you do these steps.
Import the Data (B)
Finalize Changes (C)