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Eagle System Settings for Variance Control

Setting up your Eagle so that its security and options allow for tight variance control is the first step to sustained accuracy in your store. The checklist below will help you get things all set up. First is to remove the ability to manipulate QOH from all roles and then judiciously assign this capability. Ideally employees who are allowed PIP access have watched the How to Count video and have demonstrated an ability to count accurately. These settings may cause some ripples in your store but are standard settings employed by an overwhelming majority of stores. 100% of our most accurate stores have restricted QOH changing settings like outlined below.

Note: RBS = Role Based Security in your Eagle system. 

Eagle Options Configuration 

  1. Open Eagle Browser
  2. In the launch bar, type OPT and press Enter
  3. In the header, click ID (Ctrl + i)
  4. A new window will appear, search the Option ID in the table below and change the Current Value to the Suggested Value
  5. Press Change (F5)

Eagle System Settings
Step Desc. Option ID Security Bit Notes Completed
1 Delete a SKU 122 = No RBS, All Roles (follow Mango's Delete Cadence instead)
2 Change QOH in IMU 631 = No RBS, All Roles (all variances go through PIP)
3 Enter into PIP 423, 887 = No RBS, All Roles
4 Disable running RPI 424 = No RBS, All Roles
5 Disable RPI Automation In SEQ (if automated)
6 Set up default PIP viewer PIP, Level 0 Video
7 Create PIP Role 423 = Yes RBS
8 Create RPI Role 424 = Yes RBS
9 Enable or disable PIP Role, Inventory Coordinator controlled RBS (Enable only for those who can count accurately)
10 Assign RPI Role to Inventory Coordinator role and Manager RBS (Enable only for those trained in variance research)
11 Mobile Inventory Update QOH & Locations 1131 P = Update to PIP, Run RPI to Post to Inventory
12 Number of Locations Per Item 1136 6
13 Mobile Location Assistant Print Label on Change No
14 Mobile Physical Inventory Add or Replace Quantity 1141 R = Replace any existing Physical Inventory quantity with new quantity
15 Mobile Physical Inventory Save Location? 1142 No
16 Mobile Physical Inventory Count First Scan as 1? 1143 QOH
17 Mobile Physical Inventory Flexible Display Field 1 1151 D = QOH
18 Mobile Physical Inventory Flexible Display Field 2 1152 A = Retail Price
19 Mobile Physical Inventory Flexible Display Field 3 1153 I = Discontinued
20 Mobile Physical Inventory Flexible Display FIeld 4 1154 J= Store Closeout
21 Update Counted Status for lists beginning with MANGO (L29+) 1876 Yes
22 EM+ Physical Inventory from List with Next 1956 Yes
23 Update Counted Status for lists beginning with MANGO 1876 Yes
24 EM+ Physical Inventory from List with Next 1956 Yes
25 EM+ Physical Inventory from List Auto Display
1957 Uncounted
26 EM+ Physical Inventory Item List Field 1958 Loc
27 EM+ Physical Inventory from List Auto Display
1957 Uncounted
28 Mango on System 2071 Yes

Print the Level 1 Checklist here!
Next Step - Count Sheets  

Previous Step - Assign the IC Role