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Days at Zero on hand - Office Exceptions


One of our favorite reports showing SKUs that will likely experience increased sales if more inventory is invested.


You can find a full, multi-store listing in the MEGA Report located in your Data Import directory.

Steps to download your report can be found here.

Steps to process this Report:

  1. Start at the top of the list and work to the bottom.
  2. Make sure there is enough shelf space to accommodate additional inventory; if not then make more room (no back stock).
  3. In Eagle Browser, launch Inventory Maintenance (IMU). 
  4. Type in the SKU and click Display (F6).
  5. Replace the Min OP to the number of units Mango suggests (the SUG MIN OP column in this report). You may also wish to bump up the SKU's Order Point to match the Min OP if the current OP is less than the new Min OP. 
  6. Press Change (F5), move onto the next.


    Report Column Definitions

    Which SKUs are included and which ones are filtered out?

How is the list sorted and what do the bold and highlighted bars mean?
The list is sorted by taking the top ROI% (return on investment) SKUs multiplied by ANNUAL SALES OPP. This way your best return on investment with the most potential sales impact are sorted first. These are your most impactful SKUs to investment for business ROI. Highlighted rows show SKUs that sell out the most often but might not be the best ROI%; however these frequent outs could be frustrating to your customers.

Do I keep processing Ace's ADW (Ace Data Warehouse) In Stock Report?
Yes. Ace's report is generated weekly and contains Ace and Non-Ace SKUs as well as many seasonal SKUs.

Footer lines
Line 1: summarizes all reasonable days zero SKUs for the month (warehouse-caused outs excluded, low sales opportunity excluded, low ROI% excluded)
Line 2: summary for twelve trailing months (TTM), annualized for stores running Mango for less than 12 months.
Your MEGA Report shows the full SKU listing.

    More info