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B5 RIV: Your store’s total inventory value (QOH times Cost for every SKU) excluding Kit Records and Negative Value.
C5 Cost Errors and Store Supply: SKUs identified by Mango as either a Cost/QOH Error or Store Supply (These are also listed in your Store’s Exception Reports).
D5 Placeholder Inventory: This column shows unclassified Placeholder inventory. Placeholder SKUs are large value SKUs (usually $10,000 to $50,000) which represent an entire class or department of inventory value for which individual SKU Stock Info is not kept. For example, many stores do not keep stock info (QOH's) in their Nuts and Bolts departments (fasteners). However, the entire inventory value of this department is represented using one "placeholder" SKU (usually HILLMAN or FASTENER). Ideally any placeholder SKUs in the fastener and other bulk departments will have a relevant (Ace Catalog) class attached in Inventory Maintenance (such as Class 580) so they can be classified properly into the Fasteners, Keys & Bulk section of this report. This column is for unclassified Placeholder SKUs. For example, an entire Radio Shack store within a store may be represented here with one SKU. Inventory value within this category will have to be independently verified as it is outside of Mango's Count Sheet process to account for the validity of this value.
E5 Unproductive Inventory: Inventory value contained in SKUs that have not sold in two years or more (Obsolete) along with Overstock (more than two years of supply).
F5 Fasteners, Keys & Bulk: Inventory value explicitly in fasteners, Keys or other bulk classes. Non-Ace SKUs must be in one of Ace's Catalog Classes, otherwise these SKUs will be tallied under Unproductive Inventory or Productive Non-Ace. Ideally, all non-Ace Fastener and Bulk SKUs will be classified according to their appropriate Ace Catalog classification: Key Class: 510 Fastener Classes: 561, 564, 566, 578, 580 "Bulk" Classes: 151, 152, 310, 404, 466, 478, 546, 570, 573, 575, 562
G5 Productive Packaged Ace: This is the value of non-bulk, productive (sales within the last two years) Ace SKU'ed inventory.
G5 Productive Non-Ace: This is the value of non-bulk, productive (sales within the last two years) Non-Ace SKU'ed inventory. I5 Lumber: The value of SKUs with Record Type "L" - Lumber.