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OP Fusion measures how thoroughly your store is processing its In-Stock class of reports. It is a composite metric made from your store's In-Stock, Ace Min OP, and Max OP lists. Steps to improve OP Fusion 1. Monthly -> Increase Minimum Order Points using the Acenet Analytics Dashboard, or with your MEGA report. Click here for help.
2. Annually-> Increase Ace Minimum Order Points with your MEGA report (Ace produces a new list each January). Click here for help.
3. Annually -> Process you Min/Max located in your MEGA report. Click here for help.
OP Fusion is the lead measure for Productivity Level 1 - In Stock Opportunity. That is, to impact your Productivity Level 1 metric, which takes several months to respond (a lag measure), you can process and monitor your Mango-recommended minimum and maximum order points: achieving a better OP Fusion will lead to a better Productivity Level 1 - In Stock Opportunity measure.
This line shows the makeup of your store's OP Fusion measure:
Example: 93-88-65 = 93% In Stock acceptance, 88% Ace Min OP Acceptance, 65% Max Stock acceptance.
In Stock - (weighted 3x) shows the percentage of "In Stock SKUs" accepted as listed in your store's In Stock reports/RAD over the last three months. This percentage is weighted 3x in your OP Fusion metric as this specific measure significantly improves your Productivity Level 1 - In Stock Opportunity.
Ace Min - shows the percentage of SKUs in your store whose minimum order points meet Ace's annually published Min OP listing. Mango's percentage will be slightly higher than Ace's similar measure, since the Mango system does not recommend nor measure Min OP SKUs in your store with zero sales history in your store and peer group.
Max Stock - shows the percentage of SKUs in your store that meet Mango's suggested Max Stock recommendations.
Improving these metrics can be done through your MEGA Report In Stock tab. More help can be found here.