Home > MEGA Report > Inventory Value Changes
MEGA Report - Inventory Value Changes This tab helps stores review significant inventory value change compared to the same month last year. This can be used to:
The worksheet is limited to 300 SKUs per store and lists year-over-year increases of $50.00 or more and decreases of $200.00 or less. A more thorough listing can be found in the Inventory Changes Workbook in your online reports.
RSC SKU - Indicates if the SKU is carried in your Ace RSC.
Change Status - (New, Deleted, Can/Rep) indicates if a SKU is newly added (within the last twelve months), was deleted with QOH, or is part of a canceled and replaced pairing.
Promo Sales Signature - Shows if "Promo" if the SKU is currently on a promotion or half or more of its annual sales have been on promo. Shows COM when on Closeout Management.
Seasonal Signature - Shows if the SKU is part of a seasonal class and will likely exhibit sales variability depending on the time of the year.
TTM QOH Change - The change in units (quantity on hand) from the same month last year (month-end to month-end).
TTM Value Difference - The dollar change in extended average cost (QOH * Avg Cost) from last year. This is the worksheet's original sort order.
TTM Purch Units - The number of units purchased over the last twelve months.
TTM Sales Units - The number of units sold over the last twelve months.
Months of Supply - The number months of inventory on hand based on the SKU's quantity-on-hand and its average monthly sales units.
Gross Margin % - The SKU's profit margin.
TTM Gross Profit - Profit dollars (sales dollars minus average cost dollars) over the last twelve months.
(Cash) Flow (Sales - Purch) - This is the estimated cash flow (sales dollars - purchase dollars - shrink) for the last twelve months. Negative number indicate more purchase dollars than sales dollars.
Shrink - Shows the shrinkage gain/loss (change times average cost) over the last twelve months.
Inflation - Shows the impact of average cost change from year to year. This is current quantity-on-hand times (current avg cost minus last year's average cost).
Obsolete/Overstock - Shows if the SKU is currently on the Obsolete or Overstock listing in your MEGA report.
Replacement SKU - If the SKU is a canceled/replaced pair then this shows the canceled replaced pair.