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Value Changes Workbook The Value Change tabs in this workbook help stores audit and understand inventory value change from period to period. This is especially useful when trying to analyze why reported inventory value went up or down significantly during a period. There are two "value change" worksheet tabs:
Note 1: both Value Change tabs will exclude the Boundary Exceptions: Cost/QOH Errors, and Store Supply. However, some negative values may be included in certain circumstances.
Note 2: this report should only be used to analyze and understand inventory change. It should not be used to analyze the performance of a vendor. For overall vendor performance, please use the Vendor Analysis workbook.
RSC SKU - Indicates if the SKU is carried in your Ace RSC.
Change Status - (New, Deleted, Can/Rep) indicates if a SKU is newly added (within the last twelve months), was deleted with QOH, or is part of a canceled and replaced pairing.
Promo Sales Signature - Shows if "Promo" if the SKU is currently on a promotion or half or more of its annual sales have been on promo. Shows COM when on Closeout Management.
Seasonal Signature - Shows if the SKU is part of a seasonal class and will likely exhibit sales variability depending on the time of the year.
TTM QOH Change - The change in units (quantity on hand) from the same month last year (month-end to month-end).
TTM Value Difference - The dollar change in extended average cost (QOH * Avg Cost) from last year. This is the worksheet's original sort order.
TTM Purch Units - The number of units purchased over the last twelve months.
TTM Sales Units - The number of units sold over the last twelve months.
Months of Supply - The number months of inventory on hand based on the SKU's quantity-on-hand and its average monthly sales units.
Gross Margin % - The SKU's profit margin.
TTM Gross Profit - Profit dollars (sales dollars minus average cost dollars) over the last twelve months.
(Cash) Flow (Sales - Purch) - This is the estimated cash flow (sales dollars - purchase dollars - shrink) for the last twelve months. Negative number indicate more purchase dollars than sales dollars.
Shrink - Shows the shrinkage gain/loss (change times average cost) over the last twelve months.
Inflation - Shows the impact of average cost change from year to year. This is current quantity-on-hand times (current avg cost minus last year's average cost).
Obsolete/Overstock - Shows if the SKU is currently on the Obsolete or Overstock listing in your MEGA report.
Replacement SKU - If the SKU is a canceled/replaced pair then this shows the canceled replaced pair.