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Month 4 - Retail Analytics Dashboard (RAD) - Mango In Stock


In Stock Opportunity measures annual sales increase potential if your store never ran out of what it sells (Ace SKUs only).  For example, if your metric is 1.1% then your store would see an increase of 1.1% in annual sales if it never sold out of inventory.  This metric is highly actionable through your Retail Analytics Dashboard as it lists the SKU-level detail that makes up this metric.  Increasing inventory levels for these items will likely increase sales for a minimal inventory investment. SKU lists (and metric) exclude outs caused by RSC (retail support center), special orders, in/out promotional items and other noise. This is an easy level to achieve, but it takes some time for your In Stock percentage to move: persistence and patience are the key to this level. 

Steps to improve your In Stock:
  1. Log into Acenet and select Retail Analytics Dashboard from the Find it Fast menu.
  2. Under the In Stock section, find and click the Current % hyperlink for Mango In-Stock Opportunity. 
  3. A grid will load and populate SKUs that need higher minimum order points (suggested MIN OP column).
  4. You can accept these MIN OP recommendation by clicking the button in the Change Minimum Order Point column.
  5. Once you have selected the MIN OPs you'd like to accept, click Submit in the upper right hand corner.
  6. Within 30 minutes, the order point and minimum order point will increase to the suggested MIN OP level.

Additional Information

  • It is our recommendation that you accept all the suggested MIN OPs from the grid. This is a surgical list of SKUs selling out in your store, not caused by the warehouse, and now the ball is in your court to improve the In Stock on these SKUs.
  • The budget tool in the upper left can be a nice way to manage cash flow while still improving In Stock.
  • Total Inventory Increase at the bottom of the grid displays the cash flow impact of accepting the suggested MIN OPs.
  • The Suggested MIN OP value can be overridden using the far right column. While the feature is there, it is against our recommendation to change the suggested MIN OP.


     Which SKUs are excluded from this listing?    

     Column Definitions