Mango Report
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RAD - Ace Minimum Order Point 


This report lists SKUs from Ace's current Minimum Order Point listing but excludes SKUs that have zero sales in your store and your store's peer group. Through Ace's shopping basket analysis (and a little Mango juice), Ace maintains a listing of SKUs which tend to sell in multiples. Compliance to this list makes up your Ace Minimum Order Point KPI (one of Ace's key performance indicators). 


Steps to process this report:

  1. Log into Acenet and select Analytics Dashboard from the top menu.
  2. If multi-store, consider turning on Multi-Store View to process all stores at one time.
  3. Under the In Stock section, find and click the Current % hyperlink for Minimum Order Point Acceptance. 
  4. A new popup will appear, click the hyperlink for Ace Minimum Order Points
  5. A grid will load and populate SKUs that need higher minimum order points (suggested MIN OP column).
  6. You can accept these MIN OP recommendation by clicking the button in the Change Minimum Order Point column.
  7. Once you have selected the MIN OPs you'd like to accept, click Submit in the upper right hand corner.
  8. Within 30 minutes, the order point and minimum order point will increase to the suggested MIN OP level.