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Shooting Outs with Mango


Your Shooting Outs metric gauges how thoroughly and frequently your store is shooting outs. This metric shows the percentage of countable outs that were physically counted during the month. A SKU must be at zero on hand for 7 (or more) consecutive days to be included as "countable."  Assuming a store is shooting outs weekly then (in a perfect world) 100% of countable SKUs would receive a Last Physical Inventory date update. A listing of countable SKUs not counted is available online in your MEGA Report Shooting Outs tab. 

If your store is not familiar with the process of Shooting outs then Ace's Retailer Library (AWOR) is a great place to get up to speed: Acenet >> AWOR >> Search: Shooting Outs

Mango has several reports that work in conjunction with your Shooting Outs process and can help stores reduce labor, ease training requirements and enhance the effectiveness of the process. 

    Mango has several reports that work in concert with your Shooting Outs process.



  1. Read over Ace's AWOR Shooting Outs document. (Acenet >> AWOR >> Search: Shooting Outs)
  2. PIP all zero counts, even SKUs with zero variances.  For example, a SKU showing zero quantity on hand and a shelf quantity of zero should still be PIP'ed.  This will ensure the SKU's Last Physical Date is updated which in turn feeds Mango's Eternal Outs exception report.  Logging zero variances for the typical store should not downgrade your Operational Level 4 - Efficiency; if it does then your store might be spending more on labor counting outs than you would by filling hooks with inventory (Productivity Level 1 - In Stock).
  3. Monitor your Shooting out metric (Review Email >> Charts.pdf >> Page 2)


     Troubleshooting your metric

0% - 14% - No regular shooting outs procedure.
15% - 24% - Monthly or bi monthly shooting outs.
25% - 34% - Almost weekly shooting outs.
35% - 100% - Weekly and thorough shooting outs. 


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