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Charts.pdf - Inventory Dashboard


The Inventory Dashboard is Mango's primary tool to help stores understand the state of their store when it comes to inventory. You can use this chart to goal set and monitor progress as your store works on enhancing its inventory operations and productivity. The Inventory Operations section is all about inventory accuracy, shrink and labor efficiency and Inventory Productivity focuses on your store's inventory investment.  

Level Gauge
This graphic informs stores of their current level. This gauge will change from month to month as your store's level changes. For example, last month your store was rocking an Operational Level 3, but low Completion this month dropped you back to Level 0.


History Graph
This is a Twelve Trailing Month (TTM) graph of your store's level history. This helps a store monitor their level progress over time. Also listed is the TTM high level, low level, and TTM average.


Store / Target Table
This table helps you understand what levels you've met and what's left on the table to work towards.
  • Operational/Productivity Level: The name of the specific level. Level 0 = Completion, etc.
  • Store: Your store's current value for the level.
  • Target: The value range needed to pass the level.
  • Check = Level achieved, "X" = Level not achieved yet.

The help link at the bottom of the page will take you right here you need to go in our Help Center to work on its current level.
