Home > Reference > Mango Report API > Moving API Time
Moving the MANGOAPI Time
The instructions below show you how to change the time your Eagle system picks up Mango Count Sheet and COM Promo lists.
Open Eagle Browser, if multi-store lock in to Store 1
Type SEQ into the launch bar and press Enter
Click the hyperlink that says Maintain Schedules (near the top)
In the listing, locate and select the schedule named MANGOAPI
Click Change
In the Time box, delete the current time
VERY IMPORTANT Choose a time ending in a 0 or 5 (e.g. 8:15, 10:40, 9:10). Times like 9:23 or 11:09 will NOT work. We suggest a time after 7:30am to avoid the maintenance window on your server and to select a time not on the hour as this helps spread out Eagle server requests to Mango.
Enter the new time into the Time box
Click OK
Click Cancel
Close out of SEQ